Give Your Marketing Strategy a Big Boost by Repurposing Your Content

It is practically impossible to create fresh content for your marketing campaign on a regular basis, or write blogs several times a week as well as keep on updating your social media network platforms and attend to sundry other things that are needed for a successful marketing strategy. So what do you do to provide something new to your visitors and stay ahead of your rivals? The answer is to re-purpose and promote your similar content on a variety of platforms. In this way your content will be seen by more people without you having to write new stuff. In this article we’ll examine how this is done and how advantageous it is to you.

Tweak Your Content

You will save time as well as improve your marketing campaign if you repurpose your content. To attain this, you will have to tweak your content so that it suits the tastes of a large variety of people. The preferences of customers vary a great deal and so you can provide all of them something different. Some of them may go for visuals and for this section of visitors use many graphics and videos to keep them engaged. Others may like their content displayed in bullet points – so give them that. Above all, your visitors are using different platforms to get to your content. Therefore, promote it on all the popular social media platforms. Another advantage of this strategy is that it will help your search engine optimization and if your SEO and content marketing strategy is put to work in tandem, repurposed content can get you fresh, theme-based traffic. They say that variety is the spice of life; use this saying to good use as you repurpose and promote your content in new, innovative ways.

How to Start

The first thing to do is to develop a basic concept. It may be a service or product that you wish to promote more than the rest. Once you've decided what your core aim is, note down the factors that affect it and the ideas that are associated with it. Now you can get down to the work of repurposing it. You can get in touch with Spinx Inc., a web design and development company based in Los Angeles, to learn more about repurposing and promoting of your services and products.

In the meantime, here in short, are some ways how you must go about doing it:
  • Infographics: Infographics have a charm of their own. They are visually attractive and a great way to embellish your core idea with. Attractive graphics, along with factual details woven around a central theme, will help you promote your content in a terrific way. Use it on many channels so that you attract lots of new visitors.
  • Series of Blog Posts: Create a sequence of blog posts and develop them into a story for your readers by linking them together. If the first one gets them interested, they’ll return to the subsequent parts.
  • Screencast Videos: Make a video of your content’s main idea and screencast it with a narration. This exciting presentation of your content will get it promoted on various channels.
  • eBook: Take all your blog posts, write an introduction and a list of contents and toss in some visuals. Get it formatted and your mini e-book is ready! You can give it free to your users and make it a great marketing tool.
  • Content Presentations: Use tools like Prezi, SlideShare and PowerPoint to make presentations of your content. It’s a great way to repurpose your basic idea and subjects into a visual perception. The right mix of text and images will form an enlightening presentation.
  • Social Media Extras: Give your social media readers something extra! An image, along with the content you’re linking to, for instance; or a fact/inspirational quote that will motivate your readers. It’s an easy trick and it will enrich your content on the social media platforms.

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